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Stevil Helmer
Interviewed By Arm The Pit
September 10, 2013
For the record, who's answering the interview?
Well I could have hired a stunt double because the music business is definitely a treacherous place haha..Wow. One of my worst downfalls is I despise talking about my past because to me its not who you know or what you have done rather who have been ! I can summarize it though. Ive been a musician for 42 years myself and worked with a few important players in the game. I also have an engineering degree that includes Sony credits. I have run a few record labels, studios and other management companies all over the usa.
How did you get your start in band management?
I personally did two very bad business deals and those mistakes cost me a ton of money and the rights to some music that is sacred to me. After doing so much over the last 25 years running labels, distro and other management companies I knew exactly what I did not want to be ! I am very very different in that I charge a yearly flat rate for a commitment of time. I heard this time and time again "we pay those guys alot of money and we do not know what it is they actually do". I am very open with my bands so they always know what Im doing and what 3rd parties are involved. Very much on the table at all times. I also realize my job is to help them develop as artists so they are more appealing to the bigger names in the game. Its kind of like being a parent I think. The idea is to raise your children well and to teach them how to protect themselves from life. I spend a ton of time just doing homework to make sure activities make sense and are cost effective. I do know what works for many and what does not work for many !
Describe your average day?
I have a laptop and cell phone with me 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. My average day starts with some very strong coffee and a pile of morning posts. Once those posts are out its off to check voicemail and email accounts. Then its a day long process of page updates on social media sites as well as negotiations for shows, deals and endorsements. Its not unusual for me to work a 20 hr day at all in between those things alone. Its a labor of love really and its very safe to say I just plainly love music ! Im a musician first and foremost so I can always relate to the bands I work for.
What's the best thing about being a band manager?
The best thing is being responsible for "first evers". A bands first appearance out the state they live in. A bands first tour. A bands first release. A bands first video. A bands first time playing in the USA. All the "first evers" are a huge part of satisfaction and clearly taking bands music further than its ever gone is a reason to HAVE a manager ! Im essentially just another member of every band i work for. An "extension" if you will.
What's the worst thing about being a band manager?
Having to tell bands things they do not want to hear but telling them what they need to hear. Realistic expectations are sometimes exceeded. No one is going on tour with Slayer in the first year of life. Commanding a huge guarantee with no release is another. Things like that. I would love to just tell them what they want to hear but that will never advance a career. Good simple logic will ! there are industry standards for every thing ! example: 14 weeks prior to release date a single is released and promoted by a label. Its not "hey our recording will be out tomorrow, heads up" it takes a great deal of time to penetrate an entire planet of 7 billion people !
If a band wanted to contact you about managing them, how do they contact you?
go to: and there is a red button that reads "submit". Im fine with bands just sending me links to an email too. I do listen to every single band !
What are some things that make you want to work with a band?
I have 3 rules. 1 is I must first become a fan of the music. I would never sell something I do not believe in ! so must be a fan first. Second is they must have attainable and realistic goals. I'm not an investor I run a management company. Two worst things are people who think i will work for free and also throw free money at them LOL. Not very realistic in today's music business. I look for bands that have been around 3-5 years because it tells me its a solid unit and worth putting my time into. A minimal budget is also needed. Income for a business is directly related to advertising and spending 25k on gear and a recording/video and 0 on a manager who does direct advertising would be a mistake in my opinion. Must invest something in a driver for the car so to speak.
What are some things that make you not want to work with a band?
There are roughly 11 million unsigned bands in the USA. Its bands who think they are the only good band out there. I love humble musicians and I personally strive for humility myself !
What bands are you currently managing?
I am currently managing: Chemical Tree (Texas), Our Precious Demise (LA), The Roadkill (Norway) Final Curse (NC), Skinn Jakkitt (NC) The Recasts (TX) also doing publicity for Doomdogs (Sweden) and A Course of Action. I also manage my own band Helmer of course that features Dave Bizzigotti from A Pale Horse Named Death on bass (Pale Horse is members of Type O Negative)
Tell us about each band, what makes them special and where you can go to learn more about them?
man Im gonna let the people decide what is special about each of my bands. I will tell you the roster is combination of my own personal taste in metal, rock and punk. There is an old saying "let the people decide" I live by that. Just because I like something doesnt mean someone else will and vice versa. Here is a list of pages for all of us so everyone can keep up to date on developments and shows:


How involved are you with your artists?
I talk to each of them daily and its that level of communication that makes it all work very well. We are all friends with each other yet we all live world wide. Skype, email, chat and the cell phone keeps us all connected and on the same page.
Why do you think managers are important to the success of a band?
If a band promotes itself 1 hour per day for one year that is 365 hours of time right ? I give them BACK those 365 hours of time by taking that weight off them. Then they have 365 more hours per year to write, record, rehearse and do shows. Its a no brainer ! and very simple to explain my involvment in time ! then they can rest easy knowing I am taking that time daily to make sure new fans and current fans know what they are doing. Again a no brainer ! Having that full level of commitment to them moves mountains every single time.
What are your plans for the future, in a year, 5 years?
I know I will be doing this when I am 80 years old wearing cool hearing aids Ive been working in the biz for 25 years now and Ive been a musician for 42. It is a part of who i am that will never ever change.
Finally, do have any words on what Arm The Pit means to you?
I genuinely appreciate doing this interview ! Its people like Arm the Pit combined with many others out there that help great music get heard and anyone helping independent music gets my vote always ! I always love the words "mutually beneficial". Its great for cool bands to be promoted and also promote the organizations that promote them. That is a win win ! Horns up to you all at Arm the Pit and thank you very very much for the interview !!!
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